Sunday, January 21, 2007

I've been a bad blogger.

I'm sorry everyone for not posting lately. I don't even think I've taken pictures in the past two weeks. I'm a bad mama. Livvy cut a tooth last weekend while Curtis was out of town and we were cooped up in the house together. urggghhhh. As I sit here typing, she just said Dada a lot of times. Curtis is so proud. I don't think she knows what it means, but she said it. She is still working on crawling. I am getting busy at work, but I will try to keep up with the blogging.


Averi said...

Of course she knows what it means...she is a genius, remember? SO glad to see you are blogging again!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Please keep up your blogging when possible...I love keeping up with you and seeing pics of your gorgeous Livvy.