Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mothers are Wonderful People

Curtis and I are very lucky to have two wonderful mothers. I want to thank Granann for coming to the house the other day to babysit. Curtis had to study so she loaded up Granny and came over. When I got home from work, the dishes were washed and laundry was done. What a wonderful surprise. Thank you so very much Ann.

I don't have recent picture of mom on my new computer, but you all know what she looks like. She is always willing to watch Livvy for a couple of hours so we can catch a nap or run to the store. She picked Livvy up the other night on her way home. Curtis and I ate dinner alone. It was a little strange. So very quiet. We only talked about Livvy a little. Thanks mom for all that you do.

I know the title says mothers, but grandmothers are wonderful also. A few weeks ago, Mom, Livvy, and I went to El Paso. Livvy got a cold while we were there and couldn't sleep laying down because she would get stopped up. Mamaw sat up with her all night rocking and singing to her so mom and I could sleep. Thanks Mamaw for being a great grandmother.


Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Grandmothers ARE fantastic! Olivia is very lucky.

Averi said...

I agree! What on earth would I do without my mom? But hey...cousins are pretty cool, too!